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Safe non-food consumer Products in the EU and China

Declaration of Conformity (DoC)

Declaration of Conformity (DoC)

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An EU declaration of conformity (DoC) is a document that a manufacturer or his authorised representative needs to sign to declare that a product complies with the EU requirements. The EU Declaration of Conformity is mandatory for all CE marked products. By signing the DoC the manufacturer takes full responsibility for the product’s compliance with the applicable EU law.

Content of the DoC

The issuing of an EU Declaration of Conformity is the last step in the conformity assessment process, and the manufacturer must be careful not to sign the DoC before all steps have been accomplished. By signing the DoC the manufacturer declares that the conformity assessment process has been accomplished and that the product complies with all applicable EU legislation. Moreover, the manufacturer assumes full responsibility for the product by signing the DoC.

There are small differences from one directive to another. The exact required content can be found in the applicable directives and the manufacturer should consult these before drawing up the DoC. Reference to the individual product directive will be found in each factsheet dealing with a specific product category.

An EU Declaration of Conformity should contain the following information:

  • The identification of the manufacturer:
    • full name and business address of the manufacturer or the authorised representative
    • name and signature of the manufacturer together with the date the declaration was issued
  • The identification of the product:
    • Brand name
      Model or type
    • Product’s serial number
    • clear colour photo of the product
    • If the declaration covers more versions of the product, then this must be clearly indicated on the DoC.
  • Identification of the notified body that has carried out the type testing of the product if this is required by the applicable directive. Please see the Using a third party factsheet for more information.
  • A list of the legislation that the product complies with. This list must only comprise those directives that require CE marking of the product.
  • A list of harmonised standards, other standards and other technical specifications that are used to prove that the product complies with the legislation.
  • The following statement: “This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.”
  • Translate the EU declaration of conformity into the language or languages required by the EU country in which your product is sold.

Further guidance

  • Guidance on CE marking for professionals
  • The “Blue Guide” on the implementation of EU product rules 2022
  • Guidance on how to draw up an EU declaration of conformity
  • Full declaration that can be adapted to cover any CE marked product

Related topics

You may also visit the SPEAC ACADEMY to learn more about the EU Safety requirements.


The provided information was updated in 2024. Please note that some of the provided information could change during possible subsequent revisions of legislation, standards, and guidance documents. For any updates of official information on the EU product safety rules, please follow the Link to the webpage of the European Commission.

This document was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of SPEAC project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.